Bulimia Symptoms and Warning Signs |
In this article, we will discuss the signs and symptoms of bulimia. Signs refer to aspects of an illness that can be outwardly observed or measured, while symptoms refer to feelings and behaviors that are more difficult to identify.
A person with bulimia might have several warning signs, including severe dehydration caused by purging; scars on the knuckles and hands from self-induced vomiting (also called "Russell's sign"); eye changes such as broken blood vessels and red eyes from straining in the effort to vomit; and dental problems such as tooth decay and gum disease due to repeated exposure to stomach acid. They might also have enlarged salivary glands, which make their mouth and neck look puffy; a bad taste in the mouth; and a persistent need to chew or lick their lips to cover bad breath.
People who have bulimia often experience feelings of shame or guilt about their weight and eating habits, and they may hide their binge-purge episodes from family members and friends. They might also feel a sense of urgency about getting help for their eating disorder, since they are aware that it is not healthy.
It's not clear what causes bulimia, but it likely involves a mix of genetic, psychological, and environmental factors. People with bulimia are preoccupied with weight and body image, and they often set very high standards for themselves in the areas of dieting, exercise, and socializing. They may also have an underlying mental health condition such as depression or anxiety, which can contribute to bulimia.
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